Are you tired of hearing loss holiday hell? Time to take charge and have some fun. Here’s how you can take the holiday bull by the horns! For people with hearing loss, holidays are hell. Gathering with…
Hearing Loss is A Strange, New World
Hearing loss is a strange, new world. Losing an ability you once took for granted can be a soul crushing aspect of the human condition. *WARNING* This article contains Star Trek references, puns and (circa-1990) spoilers. Please…
The Best ASL Sites for Kids
ASL sites for kids too! Find the BEST places online with American Sign Language programs JUST for kids! If you’ve read my post The Best Sites to Learn American Sign Language and wondered, “Hm, are there ASL…
The Best Sites to Learn ASL
There’s tons of sites to learn ASL, thanks to the boom in online classes. If you’ve ever wanted to learn American Sign Language, there’s never been a better time. But which are the best? In listing…
The Problem with Sound of Metal
Sound of Metal is a stunning, beautiful movie about a musician’s sudden deafness. But it’s a loss for the Deaf community. Sound of Metal paints a surreal picture of a musician’s nosedive into deafness. Imagine you’re going…
10 Signs of Hearing Loss
Signs of hearing loss are not always obvious… when it’s your own. Learn the most common and uncommon clues. Signs of hearing loss sure look a lot different on someone else than when it’s happening to YOU. …
What to Expect from Hearing Aids
It can be hard to know just what to expect from hearing aids. Here’s some great Deaf advice based on decades of hearing aid wear! What to expect from hearing aids may seem like common sense.. until…
Is Your Business Deaf Savvy?
Is your business Deaf-Savvy? Can Deaf people access your business or will they go to your competitor? Are you alienating 50 million potential customers?! Take the quiz and find out!
The Voice
Deaf people can get blindsided by sound. Even those of us who truly embrace (yes, even LIKE!) being deaf or hard of hearing have an experience with sound that is not only surprising but truly profound. Music…
Deaf at the Dentist
Being Deaf at the dentist poses some unique communication challenges. Some you can prepare for, others manage to surprise me. “No one likes going to the dentist.” I rolled my eyes reading this text reply from my…